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It was a unique study in which an apparently Nobel concept of effect of music on sleep pattern and sleep latency has been studied by a daytime nap study. Instead of full night gold standard polysomnographic recordings, which would have been a better study technique to test the hypothesis, a daytime nap study has been planned. Subjects were exclusively males, which is another limitation of the study that authors would like to declare.

In adults, Stage Four lasts about 35 to 40 minutes during the first sleep cycle of the night; it accounts for 15 to 20 percent of total sleep time in young adults. The muscles still have their tonus, and some movements of the arms, legs and trunk are possible. This is the stage of sleep that accomplishes most of the body’s repair work and from which it is most difficult to wake someone up.

The parameters mainly studied included sleep latency, sleep latency for individual sleep stages of NREM and REM sleep. Being a daytime nap study, the sleep architecture did not follow the classical pattern, usually observed during night-time, and many subjects could not achieve N3 or N4 stage. Besides sleep latency, total sleep dime , its ratio with various sleep stages and power of alpha waves during N2 stage have been studied in both groups. On assessing the distribution of symptom frequencies at the first visit to our sleep clinic, we noted a skewed distribution. Many patients reported rare occurrences of symptoms, and the numbers of patients decreased as the RBD symptom frequency increased (Fig.1).

We launched our first product, Bedphones Sleep Headphones in 2011, and since then, our creations have been featured on Good Morning America, Dr. Oz, Rolling Stone, and Wired. If you’re just starting out, you’ll probably find value on YouTube, though! If it’s your brain’s first experience of binaural beats, it’s likely to notice something and you’re likely to feel something.

Furthermore, in lapses Q4s the increased APF was also observed in the group-median power spectrum together with reduced power of the peak frequencies . Higher APF is due to increased heart rate; OSA and intermittent hypoxaemia elevate the nocturnal sympathetic activity, heart rate and blood pressure [22–24]. As seen in table 2, males in lapses Q4 had a minor trend for more severe hypoxaemia together with shorter total sleep time. However, increase in t90% significantly elevated the odds of belonging to Q4 based on lapses .

The results of the Calming Music study found that listening to binaural beats for 60 days significantly reduced anxiety and increased the overall quality of life of these participants. Since the study was small, uncontrolled, and relied on patient surveys to collect data, larger studies will be needed to confirm these effects. Determinants involved in the regulation of sleep are the homeostatic and circadian processes. Despite being highly regulated, sleep is fragile, and its stages and duration may be affected by multiple factors, such as age, drugs, temperature, and medical and psychiatric disease. Our hypothesis is that music is also thought to be a regulator of sleep stages and brain wave activity.

However, the synchronization of neighboring cortical sites through fast rhythms is not limited to awake or anesthetized states, and it occurs during a range of altered states of consciousness . Interestingly, we also noted that correlated firings can be detected between spatially distant FS neurons (Fig. 4). Another uncontrolled study asked eight adults to listen to a binaural beat CD with delta beat frequencies for 60 days straight. The participants filled out surveys before and after the 60-day period that asked questions about their mood and quality of life.

Music, especially the 432 Hz frequency has shown some promising effect over the electroencephalographic activities of brain during a daytime nap. Music therapy is a method, which takes the advantage of therapeutic influence of music on psychological and somatic sphere of the human body. It has a modifying influence on vegetative, circulatory, respiratory and endocrine systems. Music show reduced psychopathologic symptoms , improves self-rating, influences quality and disorders of sleep, reduces pain and improves patients' openness, readiness and co-operation in treatment process.

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